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LISTE Windows 10 X64 Pro 20H2 MULTi-24 2020
Version 20H2 Construire
* Cette version contient un fichier svf exécutable ISO et 23.
* Tous les fichiers exe sont créés à partir des versions MSDN d’origine.
* Astuces pour toutes les ressources ajoutées à un seul fichier .txt
* Ceci est fait à l’aide du programme SmartVersion, qui calcule
* différences entre deux fichiers (dont l’un est utilisé comme source)
* puis créez un fichier svf basé sur cette différence.
* Télécharger la source ISO et la langue préférée
* Si vous voulez nl-NL, veuillez télécharger uniquement la source ISO.
* Exécutez le fichier exe dans le même dossier que l’ISO-SOURCE.
Windows 10 X64 20H2 Pro 3in1 OEM ESD pt-BR JAN 2021 {Gen2} Torrent
* Cela jouera l’ISO ORIGINAL dans la langue sélectionnée.
Intégré / pré-installé :
* Mise à jour de la pile de services :
* KB4586864
* Mises à jour cumulatives :
* KB4586781
* Mises à jour des fonctionnalités :
* KB4562830
* Cadre NET
* Nombre total de mises à jour pour
* NET Framework et :
* KB4580419
* Mise à jour de sécurité de Flash Player :
* KB4580325
Inventaire complet / installation :
* Mise à jour du défenseur
* Windows 10 Professionnel – STD
* Windows 10 Professionnel – DLA
* STD = Standard Installation – Pour ceux qui ont leur propre clé de licence
* DLA = Activation de licence numérique (HWID)
* Les Pays-Bas
* Prêt pour l’UEFA
* divisé pour prendre en charge UEFI (FAT32)
* (Utilisez l’outil USB Rufus inclus pour démarrer UEFI)
* Rendre USB bootable (fortement recommandé) avec Rufus,
* (fourni) ou graver sur DVD-DL à basse vitesse.
* Windows_Addict, auteur du script d’activation de Windows
* J’espère que ce post vous plaira !
* Sincères salutations,
* Génération 2.
Rating 10 0
Fonctionnalité Windows 10
Outil Microsoft – Activateur KMS-KIT pour KMS Windows Vista, 7, Windows 8 / Server, 2012 et Office 2010/2013. Contient un ensemble d’outils de gestion des licences et des activations. Il peut utiliser le KMS activé même si vous utilisez une licence de vente au détail. Nous obtenons donc un activateur pour les produits Microsoft modernes.
Système Microsoft .NET ou (non)
Microsoft Office 2010 ou version ultérieure avec prise en charge des outils Office
Windows Vista ou version ultérieure avec prise en charge des outils Windows
KMSpico – est le meilleur outil pour activer la dernière version de Windows 7/8 par Office 2010/2013. L’activateur ne nécessite pas l’intervention de l’utilisateur, tout le processus d’activation se déroule en arrière-plan, il suffit de relâcher le déclencheur et de vérifier l’état d’activation de Windows et/ou Office pendant quelques minutes.
.NET ou Windows 8/2012.
MISE EN GARDE. Pour certains utilisateurs, KMSpico fonctionne, pour d’autres, l’outil Microsoft fonctionne très bien, alors tentez votre chance et faites-le nous savoir dans les commentaires
Pour ceux qui utilisent le disque de configuration Windows 10 Professionnel
posté ici pour vous :
(sur cette page – voir lien)
Vous constaterez qu’il a été activé dans le passé et que la mise à jour automatique pour les femmes fonctionne toujours. Windows 10 Activator
Si jamais vous trouvez un message “Démarrer Windows” dans le coin inférieur droit de votre écran, exécutez simplement autopico au format rar dans votre dossier de fichiers.
Vous pouvez le télécharger ici. Utilisez 7 programmes zip gratuits pour ouvrir et supprimer le fichier rar
dossier ou winrar ou tout autre logiciel que vous trouvez.
Instructions ajoutées – en particulier en cas d’erreur, par exemple “fichier actif”
etc, ajoutez un dossier pour le garder séparé de votre antivirus et il devrait être le même.
Nous avons également des versions de Windows 7 (32 bits ou 64 bits) à partir de disques Microsoft authentiques
est publié pour vous ici et inclut votre militant actif
Échecs Michael Rizzo.
Rating 23 0
Ekran görüntüsü: –
Ayrıntılar: –
Win10actPlus Bu, Windows 10’unuzu tamamen etkinleştirmek için en iyi programdır. Ayrıca, kullanımı kolaydır ve uygulamayı etkinleştirmeye çalışırken aktivasyon anahtarını taşıma deneyimi gerektirmez. Win10actPlus, Windows 10’u Dijital Lisans ile tamamen etkinleştirebilir.
Özellikleri: –
1- Windows 10’un tüm sürümleri ve VL sürümü (1507 hariç) için dijital lisans alabilirsiniz.
zaten varsa km lisanslarını otomatik olarak değiştirir.
2- Aktivasyon dosyalarını sisteminize yüklemeyin veya saklamayın, böylece av’ınızda hiçbir şey için ayrım yapmanıza gerek kalmaz.
3- Anında aktivasyon almak için bu aracı kullanırken internete bağlı olmanız gerekiyor ancak çevrimdışı da çalışıyor ancak sonunda aktivasyon noktasında hata veriyor. Bir sonraki çevrimiçi iletişim sisteminde çalışacaktır.
4- Aynı cihazlarda, Windows 10’u yeniden kurduktan sonra bu aracı tekrar kullanmanıza gerek kalmaz ve ilk online iletişim için MS Server HWID’yi algılar ve otomatik aktivasyon sağlar.
ancak Windows 10 VL sürümü yüklüyse, etkinleştirmek için sürümün genel anahtarını girmeniz gerekecektir. veya bu donanım aracındaki kilit yapılandırma seçeneğini kullanabilirsiniz
Rating 48 3
Free Video Converter and DownloadsTube Catcher is a complete package download program that can convert, create, download, burn and resize media. The software works with audio and video content: Blu-Ray, DVD, VCD, MP3, etc. This software is only compatible with Microsoft Windows devices. The operating systems in which the tool is available are Windows 10, 8, 7 and (function {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); Is ATube Catcher safe? ATube Catcher is safe to install on computers and computers After approving the license agreement during the installation process, a window will ask you to download a free third-party app. Catcher that does not want external software on your PCs, and then you can check the boxes that install. be harmless, you should skip because videos from the Internet are dangerous to download. Before transferring, make sure the files are protected. ATube Catcher gets data from the connection provided to move it directly to a specific folder on your computer. The location where the media is transferred can be directly referenced in the Free Download Video section on YouTube. The YouTube channel was developed and delivered by DsNET and is a free program that the community can use. Although the software is only available on computers and Windows computers, the contents of the devices can be shipped to Android, GPS, iPad, iPhone, iPod, MP4 and PSP devices, as well as other PC and mobile devices. Je! Am I using the YouTube Toolbar? Once the installation is complete, users can select the language you want: English, Spanish, n.k. When the default setting is saved, two windows will appear. The bright and intuitive user interface is displayed with options: download video, video converters, screenshots, convert video to MP3, get video, DVD / Blu-Ray / VCD Creator, video sizes, audio recordings and music. Features are repeated as much as possible that you prefer to have only one screen launch in the desktop when you open the device, and then you can click the box next to Do Not Show Again in the color options window. In the remaining popup you can use the tab actions: Download, Stream, Screen Recorder, Video Converter, Do! When people download ATube Controller, they can safely download media content from the web. The software is securely installed on the computer. ATube Catcher is the best option to download videos from YouTube as there is no risk of taking personal data. This process is simple and easy to download video content from the web: Dailymotion, Vimeo, YouTube, can I download it from YouTube? To download YouTube videos to your computer, you need to go to your favorite video and copy the link from that page. On the ATube Catcher download tab, simply click on the URL in the first box. In the drop-down menu next to Output Profile, you can select different video formats. Many conversion options are available: AVI, GIF, MOV, mpg, WMV, 3G2, 3GP, etc. Basic optionsin the list is No conversion. When ATube Catcher has installed a media storage folder, you can select another location by clicking on the text next to Drive. Just click Change my output folder and specify a new Settings tab that allows people to enable and disable commands Turn off the computer at the end, etc. Click the download button to transfer media to your computer or laptop. People can see options at the bottom of the window and use them when the download is complete: Delete, Open Folder, Resize, Burn to DVD, Play File and Complete Cleanup. Features of Media Player ATube Catcher community can run popular processes. : Capture screens and reduce video.
Adobe Flash Player download When enabled, the screen capture feature captures the audio and visual mode of the session. This operation is called Screen Capture in the first pop-up window and Screen Capture in the studio package. Select the desired size of the crop tool from the number list so that you can select the part of the computer screen that you want to capture. You can select which audio device you want to record audio from to the session. The default output format is WMV; this can be changed in the video converter later. You can also choose which folder the file will be stored. Options are displayed on the Start, Stop and Play buttons: Zoom out at startup, Save cursor, n.k. After clicking the Start button, a bright red box next to the preset area indicates that the screen player playing media4K Video Downloader is free to download audio and video files. 4K video download software and ATube Catcher software does not have ads that can help download many videos from browsers: Facebook, YouTube, etc. Download VLC Media Player for easy and secure playback of any of these; Multimedia Creation Program YouTube Catcher is a free and secure program that converts, downloads and records video and audio content to PC devices. You can change the video size on the platform. While media size and internet connection level are important, download speeds are relatively new, DsNET regularly provides updates to the YouTube Catcher app. You can read more about the privacy policy, cookie settings and terms of their officers;.
Rating 43 0
Keep Your Online Presence Secure Free VPN is a reliable security service program that helps protect your online privacy. The software is designed for Windows and is very powerful and can help you bypass blocked websites, keep your online activity private, and prevent ISP and identity monitoring. Additional features include data encryption and ad-free browser extensions. The application is also available for download on Android; (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); What is a free VPN? Free VPN is a security enhancement program that allows users to turn it on. protect their data and privacy on the Internet. It is an app with all the necessary features and functions that you need from a VPN. In addition, the software is available for free and does not disturb users with pop-ups or simplified proxy tools, and keeps your IP address safe from prying eyes, so that your identity and location are protected, that you browse the internet or download content. Streaming is made easier by a free VPN, as it allows users to bypass region-specific restrictions to watch movies, videos, and other content anywhere in your identity. Currently, many public places offer free WiFi. When you log into the public space on the Internet, your computer indicates that you are online to everyone on that network. Since these access points are generally weak, it is easier for hackers to break in and steal information. The free VPN creates a secure tunnel between your computer and the server so that your data cannot be secured. The free VPN download hides your ISP, which is an important feature for everyone, even those who don’t use public networks. This is because most people use the internet to verify their bank account so that the information is opened so that someone can steal it. The access point shield created by Free VPN hides your ISP and encrypts all communication between your computer and other space constraints. The free VPN has 25 servers in 14 countries to help users bypass restrictions imposed by ISPs, websites, and governments. The program achieves this by tricking websites and ISPs about your current provider, when you start surfing with a free VPN, not only is your exact location hidden, but your identity remains completely anonymous.
https://www.imigrim.com/2021/06/17/free-download-manager-torrent/ This allows you to access blocked websites or view international versions of different websites. However, this may not be possible in some cases due to additional restrictions for these user files. One of the best things about free VPN is the ability to keep your identity completely secure. The company behind the tool does not have a strict no logs policy which means users are not prompted to sign up, it does not save browser history. or that he does not havebandwidth limit. It also doesn’t share user activity, IP address, or DNS settings with anyone, so you can surf the internet and access blocked websites while maintaining full data encryption. If you use free VPN downloads, you can be sure that the information you hold on the internet is hidden from hackers and other cyber threats. The program uses the latest security protocols for encrypting data flowing through free VPN servers. It even takes extra steps to ensure server protection during phishing with browser integration as it is a free security app. it only has a limited number of servers. What it lacks, however, it makes up for with its many features. The Free VPN supports browser integration so you can add extensions to any browser you use, including Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. By enabling this feature, you can protect your privacy from tracking tools and advertisements. Although the free VPN app is free, displaying ads does not affect the user experience. The software does not limit the bandwidth limit and provides services to users without affecting internet speed. If you use a VPN to access the internet, your connection to the servers is lost, which sometimes affects the internet speed you normally get. But if you use a free VPN, the speed remains constant and you avoid unnecessary interruptions while streaming content online on your Windows with a clean and simple interface. Most people are intimidated by the idea of adding an extra layer of technology to protect their online presence. The free VPN APK has a simple and easy interface so that even people who are not technically skilled can use it easily. Once installed, the app opens to the main screen, where you can select and connect a server. To end a session, all you need to do is unlock a free VPN safe? If you are using a free service, you might be worried that it is completely secure. In this specific case, you are! Free VPN offers complete security with its no-connection and data protection policy. Plus, it has an optional payment plan that offers users free dedicated VPN servers, the ability to change IP addresses, better internet speed, and 24/7 clients. The free VPN has a long list of features, but it has stiff competition. Some options to check out are NordVPN, Hotspot Shield, Express VPN, and; Should I download a free VPN? If you are looking for an easy to use and effective program to protect the information you share online, you must download it for free; Apart from a simple interface, the program has no bandwidth limit, it can affect internet speed or report any information. It encrypts all traffic, so users can bypass region-specific restrictions and remain completely anonymous!.
Rating 38 1
This is a reduced version of Windows 10 based on build 1511 through 10586 (November TH2 update). The minimum system requirements remain as expected, although this modified version of Windows should run faster than the original, due to the changes below:
This is another version that supports 32-bit processors. My profile also has the first version, which is 64-bit.
Hardware Requirements
Processor: 1 GHz (GHz) or faster processor, NX / PAE
SSE2 (if Windows 8 works, it will work)
RAM: 1 GB for 64-bit (only 512 MB required)
Disk space: 20 GB
Graphics Card: DirectX 9 or higher
Changes and information (at least the most important ones):
-Uninstall most Metro apps except Edge, Store and Calculator
-Uninstall most non-essential drivers (such as images, printers, network)
It must be downloaded and installed manually according to the specifications of each computer
-Remove some accessibility features
-Remove speech and support for Cortana
-Search removed (explorer search bar still works)
-Remove Windows Media Player
Allow Windows Photo Viewer to be used instead of the “Photos” metro, even if the images are only opened in Paint, until the user changes the default Windows Photo Viewer.
Disable Sleep Mode
-Activated page file
-Firewall removed (although in some cases it may appear while using the program and the service has not been removed as needed)
-Windows update hasn’t been uninstalled yet, but there’s no guarantee it will work because I’ve always disabled it (installing programs from the store should still work)
Store apps should work properly
– Trading games no longer work (couldn’t figure out why). Non-UWP games (ex: CS:GO) should still work as drivers stay up to date
Rating 34 2
Controlla l’ultima versione del file ISO di Windows in #
Windwos 10 Professional x64 / Versione inglese (EN-US) / OPERATIVO
Edizione Olimpica: 1909 / Edificio Olimpico:
Nome in codice: 19H2
Questo file ISO può essere avviato con UEFI Legacy Boot
Prima dell’installazione, leggi il file “Installazione” in questo flusso.
Windows 10 Pro è progettato per abilitare le PMI
organizzazioni per controllare propri dispositivi software, proteggere propri dati aziendali
abilitare applicazioni remote mobili utilizzare il cloud
tecnologia per le loro organizzazioni. Con taglia piccola media
aziende, l’hardware Windows 10 Pro sarebbe una buona scelta per le organizzazioni
supportare programmi CYOD..
Rating 42 0
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (ISO COMPLETO)
Arquitectura: x64
Cditos: Gleison Lima
MD5: 7C2B46845AF9601EC664CCC3560DBB5E
=== IDIOMID ===
es-ES. Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC pt-BR x64 2021 download torrent
Rating 19 0
Windows 10 X64 Enterprise LTSC 2019 ESD and JAN 2021 in the United States
Command version 1809
Integrated Office 2019 ProPlus
* File:
* Size: 4.96GB
* Format: ISO executable
* SOURCE: X21-96425
* CRC32: 1ddc905b
* MD5: cd62c8beb06d0a675491f4b07d6f5d9c
* SHA-1: 27c40fd48860bbd42b975d052b8eeb9135afe374
Integrated / pre-installed:
* Office 2019 ProPlus VL 64-bit
* Stack update maintenance:
* KB4587735
* Cumulative updates:
* KB4586793
*. Windows 10 X64
NET Framework
*. NET Framework:
* KB4486153
* Cumulative updates for
*. NET Framework and:
* KB4580979
* Flash Player security update:
* KB4580325
Complete inventory / installation:
* Defense updates
* Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
* Office 2019 Pro Plus
* Activator: HWID and KMS Online
* UEFI available
* (Use included USB Rufus tool to boot UEFI)
* Diagnostic and recovery tools (only)
* compressed to recovery format ()
* Create a bootable Rufus USB (highly recommended),
* (supplied) or record to DVD-DL at low speed.
* Windows_Addict, author of Windows activation script
* Hope you enjoy this version!
* Respectfully
* Generation2
* Windows 10 X64 Pro VL, including Office 2019 ProPlus until US JULY 2020
* Phase version 2004
* File:
* Size: 4.93GB
* Format: ISO executable
* CRC32: 09a6d6b1
* MD5: ddb5fec1b1b99d732d9a4bdc154316eb
* SHA-1: 27503cdec830d1d7036851fae53f73397649a247
Integrated / pre-installed:
* Office 2019 ProPlus VL 64-bit
* Stack update maintenance:
* KB4566785
* Cumulative updates:
* KB4565503
* NET Framework
* Cumulative updates for
* NET Framework and:
* KB4565627
* Flash Player security update:
* KB4561600
Complete inventory / installation:
* Defense updates
* Windows 10 Pro
* Office 2019 ProPlus
* Activator: HWID and KMS Online
* UEFI available
* (Use included USB Rufus tool to boot UEFI)
* Diagnostic and Recovery Tool (Microsoft DaRT)
* compressed to recovery format ()
* Create a bootable Rufus USB (highly recommended),
* (supplied) or record to DVD-DL at low speed.
* Windows_Addict, author of Windows activation script
* Hope you enjoy this version!
* Respectfully
* Generation2.
Rating 29 0
Share a mouse and keyboard between multiple computers
Synergy is a downloader that uses a mouse and keyboard between multiple computers. Easily move your mouse between computers. You can also copy and paste between computers. Synergy works on Windows, macOS, Linux and Raspberry Pi. All you need is a standard Ethernet or WiFi connection and no separate devices. Windows 10 Activator It works like magic.
Rating 42 5
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